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whose引导的定语从句是语法重点 whose 引导的定语从句是语法重点,也是高考中经常考查的语法内容之一。


例:①mr king,whose legs were badly hurt, was taken to the hospital.金先生腿受重伤,被送进了医院。

②they lives in a room whose window opens to the south. 他们住在一间窗户朝南开的房间里。

whose短语在定语从句中有时可作介词宾语, 即构成“介词+whose+名词”引导定语从句并在从句中作状语。

例:①the boss in whose department mr king worked had heard about the accident.金先生工作所在的部门领导已经听人说过这一意外事故。

②he is the student of whose brother we are always proud. 他就是那个我们总是为他哥哥感到骄傲的学生

whose引导定语从句时,通常可与of which/of whom引导的定语从句进行转换。

例:①i made a table,the surface of which(of which the surface)is quite smooth.我制了张桌子,桌面很光滑。

i made a table, whose surface is quite smooth.

②i live in a room whose window(the window of which或of which the window)opens to the south.我住在一间窗户朝南开的屋子里。

③the professor of whom a daughter(a daughter of whom) has gone abroad is very famous in china.那位他的女儿已经出国了的教授在国内很有名。



例:he came to see me last sunday. 他上星期天来看过我。

为了强调目的状语,可以用in order to+动词原形,甚至可以将in order to短语提到句首。

例:①i had to lie to the company and pretend to be a man in order to get a job.为了得到工作,我不得不对公司撒谎,并装扮成男人。

②in order to catch the train, i’ll get up very early tomorrow morning. 为了赶火车,我明天将很早起床。

此外还可以用so as to短语来作目的状语,但so as to不能置于句首。

例:she lied to us because she had to so as to( in order to) get a job.她对我们撒谎,那是因为为了得到工作,她不得不这么做。



例:①unless you tell me ,i shall not be able to help you.除非你告诉我,否则我无法帮助你。

②if anyone at work discovers my secret, i shall lose my job.公司里任何人知道了我的秘密,我都将失业。



例:①so i cut my hair short.于是我把头发剪短了。

②they washed their clothes very clean.他们将衣服洗得干干净净。


例:①will you please bring him in ?请把他带进来好吗?

②we elected him monitor of our class.我们选他当班长。

4 、it seems that/as if...

本句型实际上是“主+系+表”结构,其中it是无人称代词,本身并无词意,也并非形式主语,seems为系动词,that/as if...引导表语从句,本句型使that/as if引导的从句所表达的意思变得不大肯定或者使语气变得较为委婉。

例:①it seems that it is more difficult for women to get to the top of the company. 妇女似乎更难提升到公司的最高职位。

②it seems to me that he has known everything.

(he seems to have known everything)看来他似乎什么事都知道了。

③it seems as if it is going to rain.

(it seems to rain) 看来天要下雨了。

it seems(that...)常可以用i guess that...来替换。

例:①i guess men’s hands and fingers are too big !

it seems that men’s hands and fingers are too big.男人的手和手指似乎太大了。

②it seems that she told a lie in order to get a job in our company.

i guess she told a lie in order to get a job in our company.看来她为了想在我们公司找一份工作,向我们撒了谎。

5、 have sb./sth. doing sth.


例:①we have never had women working in this part of our company before.我们以前从来没有让女人在我们公司的这个部门工作

②they had their lights burning all night long. 他们通宵把灯点着。


例:i won’t have you do such things. 我不让你去做这些事。

当使役动词have后接过去分词短语,作宾语补足语时,宾语则与补足语之间是被动关系,即have sth. done句型,此句型有两种含义。


例:①i’ll have my bicycle repaired.我将把自行车推去修好。

②i had my hair cut yesterday. 我昨天去理了发。


例:①king charlies i had his head cut off.国王查理一世被砍了头。

②she had her wallet stolen yesterday. 昨天她的钱包被偷了。

6、 does it matter...


例:①does it matter if an engineer is a man or a woman?工程师是男是女,这有什么关系呢?

②what does it matter? 这有什么关系?

③it doesn’t matter, does it ?这没多大关系,是吗?

④it doesn’t matter to me what you do or how you do it.你做什么,怎么做对我都无关紧要。


例:she has an uncle . his name is peter.

=she has an uncle whose name is peter.

i like that house . its location is good to me.

=i like that house whose location is good to me.


a. whose 前要有先行词

b. whose 后的名词要做定语从句的主语或宾语

c. 否则whose前应有介词,且该介词也可移至定语从句的句尾


例:i hate john,whose words are seldom true.(本句中,whose words 前有先行词john,且本身做定语从句的主语)

i hate john,whose words i have no trust.() (本句虽有先行词,但whose words 无法直接做trust的宾语,所以要稍加改正)

改正:i hate john,whose words i seldom trust in.( )



this is the little girlwhoseparents were killed in the great earthquake.这就是在那次大地震中失去双亲的那个小姑娘。

mr liu wants to talk to the studentswhosehomework hasn't been handed in.刘老师要跟那些没交家庭作业的学生谈话。


the companywhosename was notco was in australia.那个名叫诺特可的公司设在澳大利亚。

we live in a housewhosewindows open to the south.我们居住在一所窗户朝南开的.房子里。


mr king,whoselegs were badly hurt,was quickly taken to hospital.金先生的腿受了重伤,很快就被送往医院。(whose修饰定语从句中的主语legs)

we shall have to make a decision about ms king,whosestory i've just told you.关于金女士的情况,我刚才已经告诉你们了,我们得对她的事情作出决定。(whose修饰定语从句中的宾语 story)


the boss inwhosedepartment mr king worked called at the hospital.金先生工作单位的老板到医院来探视。(限制性定语从句)

the boss of the company,whosename was mr little,told the story.公司的老板叫利特尔,他讲述了这个故事。(非限制性定语从句)

五、由于whose具有兼作who和 which的所有格的双重功能,故在指人时可用of whom代替whose,指物时可用of which代替whose。

this kind of book is for childrenwhosenative language(=the native language of whom)is chinese.这种书是给母语是汉语的儿童看的。

mr brown has written a novelwhosename(=the name of which)i've completely forgotten.布朗先生写了部小说,其书名我完全忘了。

i live in a roomwhosewindow(=the window of which)opens to the south. 我住在一间窗户朝南开的屋子里。

六、按英语习惯用法,下列情况中的whose和of whom或of which切不可混用:

1.凡是of whom或of which同数词或代词(如some,many,little等)连用表示部分与整体关系时,通常不可用whose。

there are 45 students in our class,35of whom are league members.我们班有45名学生,其中35名是团员。

mr white wrote many articles,some of which were translated into chinese.怀特先生写了不少文章,其中一些译成了中文。

2.凡是of whom或of which修饰定语从句中的主语,是表示同位关系的代词both,all等时,切不可用whose。

i have two sons,both of whom serve in the army.我有两个儿子,都在部队服役。

he has some novels,all of which are written in russian.他有一些小说,都是用俄文写的。



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