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across the inner golden water bridge, we get to the gate of supremeharmony. during the ming and early qing dynasties, here was the place where theemperor gave his audience, accepted documents from his ministers and madedecisions here. there are two bronze lions guarding in front of the gate ofsupreme harmony. the male lion was usually put on the left, playing with anembroidered design ball, which is said to show the emperor's supreme power. theother one on the right is the female lion, playing with a lion cub with its leftpaw symbolizing prosperity of the royal family's offsprings.

across the gate of supreme harmony , we come to the hall of supremeharmony. here the emperor held grand ceremonies such as the emperor'senthronement ceremony, the wedding ceremony, dispatched generals to the battles,and the emperor received the successful candidates of the imperial examinationetc. also, the emperor held grand feasts each year on new year's day, wintersolstice and his own birthday.

the hall of supreme harmony is 35.5 meters high with double layered roofthat represents the highest construction rank of all. now, let's ascend thestairs and move on to look at articles in display on two sides of the hall. onthe top layer of the terrace stands a sundial on the east an imperial grainmeasure on the west. the sundial is an ancient time measure or a time-measuringapparatus used in the old days. the sundial tells the time by seeing the shadowof the metal pin on the sundial, which has an inclination angle of 50 degreeswith the graduation on it. the grain measure was used as the national standardmeasure in agriculture in the old days. both the grain measure and the sundialwere symbols of the emperor's justice and rectitude.

there are two pairs of incense burners in the shape of bronze dragon-headedtortoises and bronze cranes placed on each side. they are both symbols oflongevity.

when you look up the building in the forbidden city, you can see mythicalanimal statues on the eaves of each building. originally, there used to be bigwooden nails on the roof to prevent the tiles from sliding down. later they werereplaced by glazed tiles, which were shaped into mythical animal statues forbetter beautification. they are symbols of auspiciousness and peace, and peoplebelieved that they are capable of subduing fire and warding off evilspirits.

inside of the hall of supreme harmony, you can see the gilded caissonceiling high above the throne with a magnificent sculpture of a curling dragonplaying with a huge pear was called “xuanyuan jing”, representing orthodoxsuccession.

this hall is supported by 72 giant columns inside. in the old days, thetraditional way of the chinese to calculate a “room” is that: a square enclosedby four pillars was treated as one “room”, so the hall can be said to have 55“rooms” in total. the six columns inside are gilded and painted with coileddragon amidst clouds, and the rest are painted red.

the emperor's throne is placed on the dais in the center, and carved incloud and dragon patterns and gilded. on both sides of the throne are a pair ofelephant-shaped incense burners symbolize universal peace and two incenseburners shaped as a mythical animal 9,000 kilometers per day and speaking allthe languages of nearby kingdoms. around the throne stand a pair of bronzecranes and in front of the dais is four cloisonné incense burners. the floor onthe ground is paved with “gold bricks”, specially made in suzhou.

the hall of middle harmony is a square-shaped hall with a single pyramidicroof standing behind the hall of supreme harmony. this was the place where theemperor would take a short rest before he went to the hall of supreme harmonyfor grand ceremonies. every year before the emperor went to the altars andtemples, the emperor would receive and read the sacrificial address here.

before the emperor went to the altar of agriculture for offering thesacrifice, the seeds intended for spring sowing and the ploughs were examinedhere, just to show the concern of the emperor for agriculture.

according to the rule, the imperial genealogy should be revised every tenyears. the ceremony of presenting the genealogy to the emperor for revision andapproval would also be held here.

now, we come to the hall of preserving harmony, the last of the three fronthalls.

in the ming and qing dynasties, on each new year's eve and the 15th day ofthe lunar moth, banquets would be held to entertain the civil and militaryofficials and the princes and envoys of the mongolian nobles and othernationalities. to celebrate the princess's marriage, the emperor would incitethe bridegroom and his father as well as their relatives who served for theimperial government to a banquet.

the imperial palace exam was held here once every three years in the qingdynasty.

just behind the hall of preserving harmony, there is a big marblerampcarved with mountain cliffs, sea waves, clouds and nine dragons. it is 16.57meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick, and weighs about 250tons.


chaya mountain scenic area is located in suiping county zhumadian, 25kilometers away from downtown, a total of 150 square kilometers, averagealtitude of 600 meters. it is the first scenic area published in henan,presently that wins national geological parks, national forest park and national4a scenic spots. because of its exquisite scenery that builds a strangebeautiful scenery scroll, chayamountain is honored “huaxia basin” and “jiangbeiforest of stone”. the poor landform, so that is the military commanderbattleground. as the valuable and non-renewable geological heritage, the chayamountain includes the steepness of huashan mountain, splendor of taishanmountain, peculiarity of huangshan mountain, elegance of emei mountain andtranquility of yandang mountain. as the only granite landform ruins in china,also rarely seen worldwide, chaya mountain has great scientific values.

and now, we have got into the chayamountainscenic, the whole scenic isdivided into four parts, namely beeswax hill, southhill, northhill, six peakshill. the essence of scenic spots is mainly concentrated in the southhillparts,just the part we're going to visit today. the mountain is bestowed with anagreeable climate and abundant resources. in each season, there is a splendor ofbeauty. in spring, birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; in summer, theumbrageous woodlands can be seen and clinking sounds of flowing spring water canbe heard; in autumn, the mountain is fiery with maple leaves and in winter,clothed in white snow and ice。 ok, please attention to look forward;we saw thehighest peak of the rock firstly that is the landscape of “monkey look uponmoon”, the protruding part in the center is “the sleeping tang monk”,turn right45 degree, we will see the “drinking bajie”. you will see his opening mouth andvertical tongue and pretty belly poured drunk in hillside, his childlike sceneis so lifelike that reluctant to then, we can see a peak that is“beewax peak”, why entitled this name? it is side that there are full of wildflowers on the whole hill, so many bees are collecting pollen come here. and thehoney is too much and nobody collect it, so these honey were curdled in thestone. every summer, the hill wasshined by the strong sunlight irradiation;honey will be flowedout the stone, and the whole mountain looks like besmearcovered with a thick layer of beeswax, so peopleput the mountain

named "beeswax mountain".and the lake under the mountain also got abeautiful name xiumi lake. chayamountain, compared with other mountains has itsunique, the upper mount roll over one another, everywhere is strange stone, andmountain peaks, buton the bottom have thousands of holes. the millionman hole isone of to natural form of millionman hole is the underground cave, sothere are many holes in it, like a big the space of the hole canaccommodate tens of thousands of people, therefore the name "million manhole".enter the second door of the scenic area; we canpause to look upon theleft, a big tree hanging on the steep cliff. its leaf is thick and cold, and itsdry resistance is strong. according to the provincial forestry bureau expertsidentified, it has been growing 600 years at here. why it can survive in thisenvironment? experts said that the root of the tree have a special function thatits root can secrete a kind of liquid that can dissolve microelement in therock, the tree will rely on absorption this rarely microelement to keep also responds the saying:” the survival of the fittest”. let’s keepmoving, now we came to the center of the scenic spot stone monkey park. entermonkey park like into a monkey's warm home, three monkeys feel happy, pictured aharmonious family , there was a deep gorge in the north of the stonemonkey park that is the boundary between chaya mountain’s north hill and southhill. the stone monkey before our eyes that are the largest lifelike stonemonkey in the world. looking at stone monkey at penglai three holes, seem to seea pair of embraced young lovers. but atxiumi lake area, then you can see thepeculiar landscape that elder monkey back younger monkey, it is real that astone three scenes. it is the time that ended the explain of chaya mountain,then you can look around freely, after half an hour, we will gather at themountain’s door and have a lunch, please take full use of the time. thank foryour cooperation!

the native place of emperor huangdi

the native place of emperor huangdi is located in the north of xinzhengcity. as a scenic spot of 4a- class assessed by the national tour bureau, it isa holly land for chinese people all over the world to worship their ancestors,with memorial temples, andmausoleums of emperor huangdi situated here. everyyear on march 3 of the lunar calendar, the day when the first emperor in chinaestablished the first nation in chinese history, people of chinese origin fromhome and abroad gather in xinzheng, the birthplace of xuanyuanhuangdi, or theyellow emperor, to offer sacrifices and worship this legendary ancestor of thechinese nation. to respect this great emperor, his descendants have held largeceremonies of worship, which have been attracting descendants of yanhuang fromamerica, japan, korea, canada and other nations and areas each year. they comeback to worship, seeking their roots here in china.

now, here we are, the native place of square was builtin the end of covers an area of 15,000 square meters,of which 7,900square meters are covered with trees and flowers. it has become a very importantplace for the domestic and overseas chinese descendants to hold large-scaledactivities to worship their ancestors. in the center of the square here is athree-legged tripod caldron, whichwas cast in the shape of bears, reminding ofthe emperor huangdi’s rising from the youxiong tribe. the three-sided body ofthe tripod caldron has the embossment of three dragons with a fireball, implyingthe glorious sun and praying for favorable weather for crops and a ng at the center of the altar, it is laurelled as “the no.1 tripod caldronof the world” for its unparalleled size and its special origin. it is 6.99meters in height, 24 tons in weight, which has been registered in the guinnessworld records. the height number of 6.99 made up of figure 6 and 9 implies themajesty of grandness in traditional chinese culture. through the xuanyuan bridgeabove the jishuiriver , here we can see the main hall. please look at the pairof the guarding animalssitting on both sides of the are stone you know why chose bears to guard the gate? because 5,000 years ago,thereused to be many bears in xinzheng. bear was a kind of animal,very powerful andfierce then. in order to show people’s worship, the youxiong tribe regarded bearas the totem of their own tribe. well, let’s enter the hall, there’re 8 muralpaintings on the wall,which vividly depict the

great achievements of the yellow emperor during his ’rethe birthof the yellow emperor,making boat and chariot,setting up an alliance byemperorhuangdi and emperor yandi, crusading againstchiyou,making youxiong thecapital, holding high the dragon flag, developing agriculture and stock raising,creation of chinese civilization. it’s a long story behind these paintings: itis recorded that, in the prehistoric times, there lived many clans and tribesaround the yellow river and the yangtze river, yet huangdi was the most renownedtribal leader at that time. when the tribe lead by yandi began to decline,huangdi's tribe was flourishing. during this period, chiyou,another triballeader, often lead his stronger tribe to invade other tribes, and invadedyandi's tribe. with the help of huangdi, they defeated 52battleshuangdi united china. all chinese, despite nationalities, regardedhuangdias our ancestor. huangdi, the initiator of chinese civilization, was henceworshipped by his descendants. after the capital was built,emperorhuangdi raisedhis flag of dragon, symbolizing the unification of all tribes. the dragon wasintegrated with different parts of various animals: horse’s head, deer’s horn,tiger’s mouth, snake’s body, fish’s scales, and eagle’s claw. since then, dragonhas been the symbol of chinese nation. on the both sides of the main hall,there’re eastern wing hall and western wing the east side hall,there isthe statue of luozu, the first wife of emperorhuangdi. she was the first personto raise silkworm and weave silk in ancient china and alsoan outstandingrepresentative of ancient chinese women. every feudal dynasty set up temple forher and worshipped her as “the first ancestor in silkworm raising”. while in thewest side hall, here is the statue mother mo, the fourth wife of emperorhuangdi, who had invented the earliest “loom”for weaving. later generationscalled her “mother mo---the ancestor of weavers”.


good morning! welcome to the beautiful star city - changsha, first of all, please allow me, on behalf of all the staff of travel agencies was the warmest welcome the arrival of you, welcome to the "red sun" tour of the organization, is the red line, because we go. shaoshan is the rising sun, so this journey we call red sun.

to introduce myself, i am the red sun tour guide, my name is zhao, in order to facilitate you can call me xiao zhao, on xiao zhao left, that is our director of master, master x x master drive technology is good, the rich, treats people the enthusiasm, so we all can be at ease in his car, you have what problem can carry out on the road, xiao zhao and x teacher will try our best to service for you, ok, let's have a great journey together!

our journey began, and that is now under our feet with a "openning the first all the way" of the famous wuyi avenue and no.3, it represents the changsha tomorrow, changsha boom radiates away from here, is founded in 1951 on may 1, so hence the name, was the first asphalt road, the road only 9 meters wide, but along with the development of the times, traffic developed, 9 meters wide far cannot satisfy the shuttle vehicles. until 20xx, spent five months time to repair, that is what we see now, with all my heart

of 51 avenue, east railway station, west check the xiangjiang river bridge, a total length of 4138 meters, up to 60 meters in length, road for double tenth lanes, no.3 traffic is orderly, but most of the drivers don't want to go this way, is this why? on the road there are 3 sets of original and 6 digital television monitoring equipment, carelessly is easy to copy brand, so drivers is have a love-hate relationship!

where the source of the wuyi avenue? she is behind the changsha railway station, she construction in 1975, completed in 1977, with the shanghai railway station ` beijing railway station called china's three largest train station, that in the middle of the railway station there is a clock tower, tower 63.7 meters high, the clock tower at the top of the hour will be played best young's "east is red" ledian, as if to tell you that you have come to the generation of a great man of chairman mao's hometown - hunan. in the clock tower above, there is a building that xiao zhao excuse me everybody, think what is she like? yes, she is the red torch. maybe someone will ask, now that is the torch, why not be waving? but go straight into the blue sky? xiao zhao to the problem have to explain for everybody, because before railway station built, comes at a time - leather, stylist designed to float to the left her, said there will be left; in the designed to the right, say again afraid will have the right, then, designer simply put her into a straight at the torch of the above. in fact, she is very like a specialty: let's hunan capsicum frutescens var, she is our chairman mao's favorite kind of food, she also is a symbol of our people of hunan hot and enthusiasm, not to have such a saying: people are not afraid of spicy sichuan, guizhou people is afraid of hot, hunan people are afraid of not hot.

ok, now let's yuan guling overpass, why called yuan guling overpass? and not called li guling ` the wangjialing overpass? because it is said that in the large pieces of the earth that is inhabited by a certain family. so in the construction of the bridge was named after had to. it is built down, in addition to the beautiful and also have the effect of ease the earthquake. can anyone who has both advantages and disadvantages, hunan is a rainy provinces, if encounter rainy weather, the bridge will be accumulated rainwater, formation water bring pedestrians through the troubles and inconvenience caused. i'm afraid this is hou only white water rafting and line!

that is on the right-hand side of the xiao zhao shaoshanlu, because was not to shaoshan road, then built the road; shaoshan.

good, that you pay attention to have a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus, it is in the city of changsha were: camphor trees, camphor leaves small but, under the big camphor tree is a good place to enjoy cool air, using camphor tree of camphor ball can drive midge catch ants, took a few pieces of camphor tree chew ye qing washed into the mouth, can also be sober refreshing. about the camphor tree,

in changsha, there is such a local custom, it is the parents to marry the daughter of a set of camphorwood furniture is very decent. on the left hand side, xiao zhao is welcome road, 1972, president nixon's visit to welcome the president of the united states and to build a road. across the welcome road is a red and white building, she is 2 hospital of hunan province the government.

were made, xiao zhao mentioned that we're here to learn about the tree of hunan province, it is the magnolia tree, it is from guangzhou introduced a tree. suiting the city of changsha, azaleas, see the cuckoo that can want to went to the countryside, three in april, when the brilliant red cuckoo open full of hills, not to mention how beautiful. fancy suiting of hunan province, is a hibiscus, since ancient times, hunan is known as lotus countries. chairman mao's poem says, "the kingdom of the lotus from zhaohui". lotus, also can be divided into water and cotton rose hibiscus. then xiao zhao, please everyone: "what is water lotus? cotton rose?" ha ha! cotton rose is magnolia, water lotus is lotus.

ok, now let's to lotus road, beside the lotus road, changsha is the new lotus square, you can see in the middle of a sculpture, that is the daughter of liuyang river, you must be attracted by her long hair? the daughter of liuyang river nine curved hair, a symbol of the liuyang river nine bending. it reminds us of the beautiful sounds of "liuyang river", the product comforms to the drawing that xiao zhao here, give you sing a song "liuyang river", we hope you enjoy it.

okay, now we see the underlying white doves building is the famous peace hall business building. peace in japanese is the meaning of peace, meaning and harmonic development. there is a sino-japanese joint venture of shopping malls, japan accounted for 60% of the company, shareholders shareholder china accounted for 40%. before peace hall was built, the unearthed here most of the country's bamboo slips, which records the chu the history of the three kingdoms period, now the peace of the sixth floor display, also has people in shopping may wish to visit.

in front of the hall of peace is the wuyi square, square in the middle there is a huge music fountain, at eight o 'clock every night, music fountain will dance with music. now please look the top of the wuyi square, you can see a small house, like the eyes there is big eyes "- the voice of the golden eagle.


shanghai travel and tours guide

located at the center of the mainland's coastline, shanghai has long been amajor hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. themunicipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population ofmore than 13.5 million. shanghai is china's largest economic comprehensiveindustrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city.

the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue forbusiness gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of ai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporatesland, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong internationalairport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annualpassenger volume to some 20 million.

special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboringprovinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes alongnewly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional ai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms.

visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis andgateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in theunique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorfulfestivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such asthe shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culturefestival and shanghai china international art festival.

shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the differentinterests of visitors, such as bicycling tours, hiking tours, gourmet tours,rehabilitation and health care tours, study tours, japanese young women's tours,honey moon tours, and convention and exhibition tours.

the bund

the well-known bund is a must for visitors to shanghai. fifty-two buildingslining the narrow shoreline of the huangpu river offer a living exhibition ofgothic, baroque, roman, classic revival and renaissance architectural styles, aswell as combinations of chinese and western styles. they are also a condensationof the recent history of the city. the wide embankment offers ample room forstrolling and is used by locals for morning exercises and evening gatherings. inthe evening, colorful lights illuminate the area and create a shimmering imagedeserving of the name pearl of the orient.

the yu garden

the yu gardens are a classical landscape in the southern chinese style witha history of more than 400 years. pavilions, halls, rockeries and ponds displaythe finest in landscaping from the southern style as seen in the ming and qingdynasties. more than 40 landscapes were ingeniously separated by latticed walls,winding corridors, and lattice windows.

people's square

people's square has become the political and cultural center in shanghaisince 1994, when it was rebuilt. in and around the square are a massive fountainnamed the light of huangpu river, 10,000 square meters of lawns, six groups ofrelief carvings that depict the history of shanghai, the new shanghai museum,the offices of the municipal government, an underground shopping plaza, theshanghai grand theater and the shanghai exhibition center

the orient pearl tv tower

the orient pearl tv tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in asia and thirdtallest in the world. it faces the bund across the huangpu river. when viewedfrom the bund, the tower and the nanpu and yangpu bridges create a vivid imageryknown as "two dragons playing with a pearl." the sphere at the top has adiameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. the observation deck inthe sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. the revolving restaurant is setat 267 meters above pudong new area. the dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaokerooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. the penthouse, which sitsat 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. the towerintegrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping,amusement, and accommodations. it has become the symbol of the city and a majortourist attraction in shanghai.

cruise on the huangpu river

cruising on the huangpu river, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers,the monument tower to the people's heroes, the famous waibaidu bridge andhuangpu park on one bank, and the orient pearl tv tower, internationalconvertion center, jin mao building and the newly rising pudong new area on theother. the yangpu and nanpu bridges span the river. from the river, visitors canalso view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at wusongand the magnificent view of the yangtze river as it empties into the sea.

nanjing road

nanjing road east, honored as "china's no. l street", has become anall-weather pedestrian arcade. shops and restaurants provide products andservices with their own characteristics, making it an ideal place thatintegrates shopping, restaurants, amusement and sightseeing.

luxun park

the museum and tomb are located in lu xun park. lu xun was an imminent manof letters. the museum exhibits lu xun's manuscripts, some of his personaleffects, document., and photos. the headstone at the tomb of lu xun is in thecalligraphy of vhio zedong and reads "the tomb of mr. lu xun."

dr. sun's residence

dr. sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution, andhis wilr soong ching ling, lived in this building from 1918 to 1924. it was inthe residence that dr. sun yat-sen met representatives of the communist partyand fostered the first cooperation between the chinese communist party and thekuomintang.

soong ching ling's residence

this is the former residence of soong ching ling. an honorary chairwoman ofthe people's republic of china and the widow of sun yat-sen. she lived, worked,and studied here during the last years of her life.

birthplace of the communist party of china.

in july of 1921, the first national communist party congress was held inthis building. the congress passed the party's program and resolutions, electedthe central committee, and declared the founding of the cpc.

shanghai library

the new shanghai library, which covers an area of some 80,000 squaremeters, has a collection of 13 million books and is considered one of the topten libraries in the world. the library incorporates the open-stacks approachfavored in the west, which allows for convenience in borrowing books.

shanghai grand theater

located in the northwestern corner of people's square. the shanghai grandtheater covers 70,000 squat, meters. it is actually composed of three theaters can accommodate performances of ballet opera, symphonies, chambermusic modern dramas, and musicals. the theater also owns the largest, fullyautomatic stage in asia. the theater has become a symbol of modern culture inshanghai.

duolun road

cultural celebrities' street, located along duolun road and surroundingareas,is a living memorial to the modern cultural celebrities of shang-hai andis also a condensation of modern culture. such chinese literary giants as luxun, mao dun, guo moruo and ye shengtao lived and wrote here,making the road animportant feature in china's modern cultural history. in addition, the famousgongfei cafe. celebrities mansion, the shanghai art opera troupe, and hai shangjiu li also display the accumulated cultural atmosphere of duolun roadtoday.


shanghai travel and tours guide

located at the center of the mainland's coastline, shanghai has long been amajor hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. themunicipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population ofmore than 13.5 million. shanghai is china's largest economic comprehensiveindustrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city.

the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue forbusiness gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of ai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporatesland, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong internationalairport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annualpassenger volume to some 20 million.

special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboringprovinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes alongnewly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional ai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms.

visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis andgateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in theunique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorfulfestivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such asthe shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culturefestival and shanghai china international art festival.

shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the differentinterests of visitors, such as bicycling tours, hiking tours, gourmet tours,rehabilitation and health care tours, study tours, japanese young women's tours,honey moon tours, and convention and exhibition tours.

the bund

the well-known bund is a must for visitors to shanghai. fifty-two buildingslining the narrow shoreline of the huangpu river offer a living exhibition ofgothic, baroque, roman, classic revival and renaissance architectural styles, aswell as combinations of chinese and western styles. they are also a condensationof the recent history of the city. the wide embankment offers ample room forstrolling and is used by locals for morning exercises and evening gatherings. inthe evening, colorful lights illuminate the area and create a shimmering imagedeserving of the name pearl of the orient.

the yu garden

the yu gardens are a classical landscape in the southern chinese style witha history of more than 400 years. pavilions, halls, rockeries and ponds displaythe finest in landscaping from the southern style as seen in the ming and qingdynasties. more than 40 landscapes were ingeniously separated by latticed walls,winding corridors, and lattice windows.

people's square

people's square has become the political and cultural center in shanghaisince 1994, when it was rebuilt. in and around the square are a massive fountainnamed the light of huangpu river, 10,000 square meters of lawns, six groups ofrelief carvings that depict the history of shanghai, the new shanghai museum,the offices of the municipal government, an underground shopping plaza, theshanghai grand theater and the shanghai exhibition center

the orient pearl tv tower

the orient pearl tv tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in asia and thirdtallest in the world. it faces the bund across the huangpu river. when viewedfrom the bund, the tower and the nanpu and yangpu bridges create a vivid imageryknown as "two dragons playing with a pearl." the sphere at the top has adiameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. the observation deck inthe sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. the revolving restaurant is setat 267 meters above pudong new area. the dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaokerooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. the penthouse, which sitsat 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. the towerintegrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping,amusement, and accommodations. it has become the symbol of the city and a majortourist attraction in shanghai.

cruise on the huangpu river

cruising on the huangpu river, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers,the monument tower to the people's heroes, the famous waibaidu bridge andhuangpu park on one bank, and the orient pearl tv tower, internationalconvertion center, jin mao building and the newly rising pudong new area on theother. the yangpu and nanpu bridges span the river. from the river, visitors canalso view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at wusongand the magnificent view of the yangtze river as it empties into the sea.

nanjing road

nanjing road east, honored as "china's no. l street", has become anall-weather pedestrian arcade. shops and restaurants provide products andservices with their own characteristics, making it an ideal place thatintegrates shopping, restaurants, amusement and sightseeing.

luxun park

the museum and tomb are located in lu xun park. lu xun was an imminent manof letters. the museum exhibits lu xun's manuscripts, some of his personaleffects, document., and photos. the headstone at the tomb of lu xun is in thecalligraphy of vhio zedong and reads "the tomb of mr. lu xun."

dr. sun's residence

dr. sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution, andhis wilr soong ching ling, lived in this building from 1918 to 1924. it was inthe residence that dr. sun yat-sen met representatives of the communist partyand fostered the first cooperation between the chinese communist party and thekuomintang.

soong ching ling's residence

this is the former residence of soong ching ling. an honorary chairwoman ofthe people's republic of china and the widow of sun yat-sen. she lived, worked,and studied here during the last years of her life.

birthplace of the communist party of china.

in july of 1921, the first national communist party congress was held inthis building. the congress passed the party's program and resolutions, electedthe central committee, and declared the founding of the cpc.

shanghai library

the new shanghai library, which covers an area of some 80,000 squaremeters, has a collection of 13 million books and is considered one of the topten libraries in the world. the library incorporates the open-stacks approachfavored in the west, which allows for convenience in borrowing books.

shanghai grand theater

located in the northwestern corner of people's square. the shanghai grandtheater covers 70,000 squat, meters. it is actually composed of three theaters can accommodate performances of ballet opera, symphonies, chambermusic modern dramas, and musicals. the theater also owns the largest, fullyautomatic stage in asia. the theater has become a symbol of modern culture inshanghai.

duolun road

cultural celebrities' street, located along duolun road and surroundingareas,is a living memorial to the modern cultural celebrities of shang-hai andis also a condensation of modern culture. such chinese literary giants as luxun, mao dun, guo moruo and ye shengtao lived and wrote here,making the road animportant feature in china's modern cultural history. in addition, the famousgongfei cafe. celebrities mansion, the shanghai art opera troupe, and hai shangjiu li also display the accumulated cultural atmosphere of duolun roadtoday.


entering the meridian gate, there are five marble bridges on the innergolden water river, shaped like a bow. the five marble bridges just look likefive arrows reporting symbolically to heaven. the five bridges were supposed torepresent the five virtues preached by confucius-benevolence, righteousness,rite, intelligence and fidelity.

across the inner golden water bridge, we get to the gate of supremeharmony. during the ming and early qing dynasties, here was the place where theemperor gave his audience, accepted documents from his ministers and madedecisions here. there are two bronze lions guarding in front of the gate ofsupreme harmony. the male lion was usually put on the left, playing with anembroidered design ball, which is said to show the emperor's supreme power. theother one on the right is the female lion, playing with a lion cub with its leftpaw symbolizing prosperity of the royal family's offsprings.

across the gate of supreme harmony , we come to the hall of supremeharmony. here the emperor held grand ceremonies such as the emperor'senthronement ceremony, the wedding ceremony, dispatched generals to the battles,and the emperor received the successful candidates of the imperial examinationetc. also, the emperor held grand feasts each year on new year's day, wintersolstice and his own birthday.

the hall of supreme harmony is 35.5 meters high with double layered roofthat represents the highest construction rank of all. now, let's ascend thestairs and move on to look at articles in display on two sides of the hall. onthe top layer of the terrace stands a sundial on the east an imperial grainmeasure on the west. the sundial is an ancient time measure or a time-measuringapparatus used in the old days. the sundial tells the time by seeing the shadowof the metal pin on the sundial, which has an inclination angle of 50 degreeswith the graduation on it. the grain measure was used as the national standardmeasure in agriculture in the old days. both the grain measure and the sundialwere symbols of the emperor's justice and rectitude.

there are two pairs of incense burners in the shape of bronze dragon-headedtortoises and bronze cranes placed on each side. they are both symbols oflongevity.

when you look up the building in the forbidden city, you can see mythicalanimal statues on the eaves of each building. originally, there used to be bigwooden nails on the roof to prevent the tiles from sliding down. later they werereplaced by glazed tiles, which were shaped into mythical animal statues forbetter beautification. they are symbols of auspiciousness and peace, and peoplebelieved that they are capable of subduing fire and warding off evilspirits.

inside of the hall of supreme harmony, you can see the gilded caissonceiling high above the throne with a magnificent sculpture of a curling dragonplaying with a huge pear was called “xuanyuan jing”, representing orthodoxsuccession.

this hall is supported by 72 giant columns inside. in the old days, thetraditional way of the chinese to calculate a “room” is that: a square enclosedby four pillars was treated as one “room”, so the hall can be said to have 55“rooms” in total. the six columns inside are gilded and painted with coileddragon amidst clouds, and the rest are painted red.

the emperor's throne is placed on the dais in the center, and carved incloud and dragon patterns and gilded. on both sides of the throne are a pair ofelephant-shaped incense burners symbolize universal peace and two incenseburners shaped as a mythical animal 9,000 kilometers per day and speaking allthe languages of nearby kingdoms. around the throne stand a pair of bronzecranes and in front of the dais is four cloisonné incense burners. the floor onthe ground is paved with “gold bricks”, specially made in suzhou.

the hall of middle harmony is a square-shaped hall with a single pyramidicroof standing behind the hall of supreme harmony. this was the place where theemperor would take a short rest before he went to the hall of supreme harmonyfor grand ceremonies. every year before the emperor went to the altars andtemples, the emperor would receive and read the sacrificial address here.

before the emperor went to the altar of agriculture for offering thesacrifice, the seeds intended for spring sowing and the ploughs were examinedhere, just to show the concern of the emperor for agriculture.

according to the rule, the imperial genealogy should be revised every tenyears. the ceremony of presenting the genealogy to the emperor for revision andapproval would also be held here.

now, we come to the hall of preserving harmony, the last of the three fronthalls.

in the ming and qing dynasties, on each new year's eve and the 15th day ofthe lunar moth, banquets would be held to entertain the civil and militaryofficials and the princes and envoys of the mongolian nobles and othernationalities. to celebrate the princess's marriage, the emperor would incitethe bridegroom and his father as well as their relatives who served for theimperial government to a banquet.

the imperial palace exam was held here once every three years in the qingdynasty.

just behind the hall of preserving harmony, there is a big marblerampcarved with mountain cliffs, sea waves, clouds and nine dragons. it is 16.57meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick, and weighs about 250tons.

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