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姓名:________ 性别:____出生年月:_______________ name sex born date

文化程度:________________ 住址:_____________________ 弄 ______号______室 education address


mr./ms.__________, fromy md, you were employed by our company .

_________________________________________________________________________ 于______年______月______日提出离职。 because ______________________________________ , you dismiss from y m


根据《有限公司劳动合同》的规定,经协商同意,自______年______月______日起批准__________ 先生/女士离职。

according to < limited company labor contract>, we approved mr./ms._________ by to dismiss. from y m d, you are relative with our company.

离职人:__________________ 经办人:__________________

person to dismiss person in charge

_________________ 有限公司

limited company


employee demission certification


name sex born date

文化程度:________________住址:_____________________弄______号______室education address


mr./ms.__________, from y m d, you pany .



because ______________________________________ , you dismiss from y m d.


according to < limited company labor contract>, y m d, you are relative pany.

离职人:__________________经办人:___________ _______

person to dismiss person in charge


limited company


leaving certificate is proof that the laborer and the employing units of labor contract is dissolved or terminated credentials, and workers to apply for unemployment insurance important information.

the labor department" on the implementation of the labor contract system issues notice" provisions": workers in fulfilling the relevant obligations, dissolution of the labor contract, the employer shall issue, termination of contract certificate, as the workers enjoy unemployed insurance pay by the regulation and registration of unemployment, job registration certificate. certificate shall specify the term of the labor contract, terminate or cancel the date, the work. if the employee demands, the employer can prove objectively explains to rescind the labor contract reason."

you as a university graduates, at present the company with you haven't officially graduated from, just signed for a period of six months" internship agreement", in fact the practice agreement and labor contract is different from it, if you do not apply for unemployment insurance, as graduates, the law that the leaving certificate to you is not important.

of course, you have to leave the company, also should handle the handover procedures, the company delivery office items returned, unfinished work to inform the succession colleagues, not out.

in addition, the lawyer thought the company require three days in advance to inform the unit is reasonable, after all the company to arrange for new workers to replace your position, it also needs to give the company some time to prepare.

(name ) ( id number ) in the - month day and the dissolution of the labor contract. the personnel after leaving, i unit serving the professional and technical personnel of the quantity, structure and still meet the qualification standards.

hereby certify that.

proof: (seal )

legal representative: (signature )

year, month and day、







name sex born date


mr./ms.__________, fromymd, you were employed by our company .

because ______________________________________ , you dismi ing to , we approved mr./ms._________ by to d, you are relative with our company.

person to dismiperson in charge

limited company

标签:英文 离职 证明 通用 4篇