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[摘 要] 中央企业是公有制经济的命脉,是国民经济发展的基础。中央企业的安全状况,代表了国家形象,代表了我国现阶段安全生产所能够达到的最好水平。


笔者首先分析了中央企业安全.生产工作现状,指出目前中央企业安全技术创新存在的主要问题;并列举中石油、中石化、杜邦等世界500强企业安全技术创新的成功经验;在此基础上,进一步提出了中央企业提高安全技术创新能力的4点建议。 【论文关键词】 中央企业;安全技术;科技创新;安全生产 Abstract:National enterprises are the lifeingne of public ownership economy and the foundation of the devehpment of national economy.The situation of work safety in national enterprises represents the image ofthe nation,which reflects the highest level of work safety in China. National entelpdses possess not only the advantages of sufficient found and advanced equipment technology,but also high quality staff.Nalional enterprises own enough favorable conditions,bases and actual strength to innovate safeey tech—nology.NatiOnal enterprises taking the 1ead in the innovation of safety technology would play an important exemplary role in pro— pelling the progress of work safety technology and enhancing intrinsic safety 1evel of enterprises,and would exert decisive impact on work safety of the nation.The current status of work safety in national enterprises is analyzed,and their major problems about in-novation of safety technology are pointed out .The experience of top 500 enterprises in field of safety technology innovation is de-scribed, such as that of China Petrochemical Corporation(SINOPEC),China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and DUPONT.Furthermore,four suggestions about innovation of safety technology in national enterprises are made .

标签:2012中学工会工作总结 农村中学工会工作总结 2011中学工会工作总结 昆明市工会奋战50天 工会会员超市员村开店